How do you avoid the dreaded sexual mishap known as a Frosty Susan?
For the uninitiated, the Frosty Susan is a 'misfire' incident wherein the overly curious, watching their member, get an eyeful of cum. It's a situation that is hardly unique, especially in the inexperienced, and so in the interests of science, I spent 12 hours popping Viagra and finding various means of avoiding the mishap. Later, I spent some time in the hospital for priapism.
My first plan was a method that could best be called The Neo, (named for a character in a cult classic, The Matrix, perhaps you have seen it?) but it was a bitter failure. Every attempt to lean away from the was met with failure and a salty face. My second method was the more successful guard-hand method of placing my other hand over the tip as I hit climax. This works alright but unfortunately you have to take your hand off the mouse.
I did, prior to my visit to the local emergency ward, solve this problem:

I was talking with some friends and we realized that there are not very many slang terms for vaginal lubrication. We went with lady dew and hoo hoo honey but that was all we got. Why is that and what ARE some good slang terms for it?
Great question! It certainly gave me something to dwell on as I lied in recovery, when I wasn't wooing the nurses.
Let's tackle the why issue first. Some people have this habit of claiming females are more mature than their male counterparts, and don't need to use silly slang terms. Sure enough, men have developed splooge, jizz, baby batter, man chowder, jism, protein shake and so on, while there is a conspicuous lack of terms for female lubrication. I contest the argument, however, that it stems from maturity, and would refer you to my self-published autobiography, Sexiness & Studlyness: Chad Sexington's Secrets to Staying Sexy and Successful (currently out of print) where I discuss at length womankind's inability to be as creative as men. It's pretty clear to anyone who's taken even a cursory psychology course that women don't understand their own sexuality and are unable to investigate it, and this causes a dearth of slang terms within the culture. But! I am more than happy to lend a hand (or more, ladies!) in that department, so without further ado:
Sex nectar
Lady seepage
Joy juice
Pussy dew
Vajayjay sweetness
No, My Better Aunt Flo
Finger-Licking Goodness
Hope that helps spice up your sex talk, as always, stay sexy!
--Chad Sexington
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