Sunday, July 15, 2012

Joys of the Orient

Han, from an email accidentally placed in my spam folder, asks:

 c8f7frs2psa2s0jk5y5tv4b7j4n4   不 論 條 件 如 何 免 保 人 免 擔 保 品 資金問題找我們就對了 沒有辦不下來的貸款! 安全保密 絕不事先收費 保證過件 否則免費!   s1tjhax31j3d2bprb6n171s4mtjtcf7 

Great question, Han! You're quite correct, Asians are notorious for their kinkiness. When I visited China, for example, I was strapped down and tased before I even left the airport. Keep on that tradition and good luck with your new life in America!
Dreamy from Lithuania writes:

What kind of music are bangin' to, Chad?

Well, it really depends. My love for prog rock was previously discussed on this blog, but that's hardly the exclusive choice. A famous cause of orgasm is Billie Holiday's rendition of Gloomy Sunday. The erotic themes throughout the song are something any virile man should experience at least once while romancing (read: banging) a lady (or three). Of course, the ultimate in kinky, sound-sexual pleasure is found here.

Well, that's all the mail this week folks.

Stay sexy,
